Article writing is a great way of generating back links to your website. (See our article posted earlier “What Are Back Links?” to understand this very important concept to website traffic). It is by far one of the most useful skills you can master. There are tons of e-books and even some free resources available on the Web.
How can article writing boost traffic and income.? Writing articles is a great way to bring traffic to your website and generate sales. People today are looking for good information that they can access quickly to help them find solutions or just share ideas. They will return again and again if the web page content is right. Traffic converts to sales in the long run. If your site receives just 300 targeted visitors a day and say only 1% convert, that equates to 3 sales a day. Obviously your conversion rate should be closer to 3% for any kind of info product that is in demand.
Writing relevant niche articles every couple of weeks or so is a great idea for your online business, but it can sometimes be difficult to find decent subject matter for your article. Writing a short article can be even more challenging, because you need to stay focused and organized. On the other hand, writing a short article really can be very easy if you work with a simple structure. The simpler the better. Choose a subject that you enjoy yourself so you can control interest. Most people today shy away from trying anything new, because it takes them out of their comfort zone. However, by starting off with shorter articles, it will become easier each time. Before long your article content and length will improve.(continued-click to read the rest of article)
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