Monday, December 15, 2008

Dec. 15, 2008

Hi folks

The #1 most common question that we get from people who want to start an email marketing campaign is:

"What Do I Write?"

See, just like you they understand how important it is to communicate with their potential customers to build trust, establish yourself as an expert and ultimately close more sales...

They Just Get Writer's Block

They draw a blank when it comes to deciding what to write.

Or they come up with ideas, but when they sit down to write, they edit and over think and self-censor, and they never get past the big blank screen, because they want their emails to be perfect from Day 1.

Writers' block can derail the best of us, if we let it. But we don't have to.

Coming up with good message content is easy, if you know where to look.

And fortunately, you don't have to look far, because...

...You've Already Written Your Messages!

Chances are, your messages are already staring at you, right between the eyes... but like many business owners, you just haven't seen them yet.

Ask yourself: "Have I done any of these things?"

Replied to emails asking about your product or business
Put an FAQ, features or similar page on your site.
Written an article or press release
Created and posted to a blog about your industry or business

If you've done even one of these, you're already on your way to creating an email campaign. (If you've done more than one, even better!)

Why do I say that?

People With Questions Don't Always Ask Them

You reply to questions for the same reason that you offer a product or service: doing so helps your potential customers solve a problem. Same goes for writing articles, blogging, creating FAQs... the list goes on.

But what about the people who don't ask you questions? Or don't read your FAQ or articles?

Surely they don't have all the answers already - so they would likely benefit from the same help you've provided to the people that did contact you. Right?

When you know what your potential customers are asking, and you already have the answers somewhere outside of your email campaign, all you need to do is...

"Re-purpose Your Content" (Translation: Copy-and-Paste)

Open your "Sent" email folder, your FAQ or any other place where you've already written about your business.

Find a question that you've answered, or a point that you've made, that your potential customers want to/should see.

Highlight it.
Add a sentence or two before and after it (to introduce it and to segue to the next message).
Give it an attention-getting subject line (one idea: put the question itself as the subject).
Save your message.

Congratulations! You just created your first message.
Create 2-3 more by repeating the steps above, and voila! You have a real, live email campaign that you can build on.

So much for writer's block.

Your Prospects Are Waiting...

Now that your email campaign is ready to go, it's time to use it to build your business.

Put Your Email Campaign Into Action Today.

After all, the sooner you get your campaign live, the sooner you'll turn your potential customers into actual ones!

What's Next?

You're armed with great email content... but it's only helpful if you have someone to send it to.

Next, I'll show you how to grab your visitors' attention and get them started on your campaign...

P.S. If you're in need of a stat counter I really want to recommend this one! I have no ulterior motive but to congratulate a great service. This is really cool, especially if you own a blogger blog Their code is a script that you add as a widget in the widget list. they even have a blog with screenshots to walk you through the process. They have loads of features, and it's free for a stat log quota of 500/month
You can upgrade to 1500/mo for 9$. Their address is My
Good morning all,

Just a short note.

I just noticed a neat back link checker on the web.

It's called backlink Watch and gives some pretty good stats.

I've just jumped from 14 links to 40 in two days and I wasn't even trying. Hah!

Anyone out there in Guru land have something better?

P.S Here's a cool trick that will bring you extra sales.
It's called

Free Video Pocker


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