Thursday, December 25, 2008

Finding your "Niche" by Wayne Van Dyck

I found this article to be concise aand relevant so I'm posting it as I am
not at my desk for holidays. Happy holidays Everyone!

Finding your "Niche"
by Wayne Van Dyck

When you are considering starting an online company, first you want to make sure you find the right product. What is it that you want to sell? What are you passionate about? What topic or subject are you knowledgeable about. Selling an information product online is easier than selling a service. However, selling a service online makes more money when you incorporate a monthly membership.

Be sure that your customers are going to be interested in what you are selling, before you spend all your time working on a website and writing up eBooks. Do market research. Start by finding out how many competitors you have -this is a good sign. Read through, forums, newsgroups, discussion boards, and chat rooms and learn about your target market customer base. Send a survey to your email list to see what they are most interested in.

There are three reasons why a customer will want to buy your product. 1. Your product has solved a problem for your customer. 2. Your product has made life easier or more comfortable for your customer. 3. You are very passionate about your product and it shows in everything you do.

When researching your niche, you may want to use and find the current top sellers. Find out what people are reading about. You will want to research related keywords with keyword tools such as You need to discover which keywords are being searched for most.

Checking out competitors sites isn't a bad idea. It can help you to come up with ideas on what would make your company different and better. Take a look at the competitions traffic rankings and their related links. After analyzing this information, you can see how many visitors they have each day and how profitable their company is.

Once you find your passion, ask yourself, "Does this serve my customers?" You want to provide excellent service to each and every customer that spends money with you. This eliminates many complaints, bad reputations, and, chargeback's.

Wayne Van Dyck is a former venture capitalist and builder of offline technology companies. He is the founder and developer of Simple Money Machines. Simple Money Machines is all the money making technologies in one, easy-to-use, hosted application… enabling non-technical people to set up online businesses in less than 30 minutes. It's made for people with 9-5 jobs, retired folks, stay-at-home moms and college students. To get a FREE copy of “STARTING A HOME BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE", go to:

Permission to reprint this article in unchanged form, including author bio.

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